Environment Policy

Out  Environmental  Policy

Environmental Efforts

We use super-hard materials such as diamonds or ultra-hard alloy to produce remarkably durable precision work parts and tools for a variety of needs. Our products contribute to a reduction in waste, as well as a reduction in human labor.

Moreover, by focusing a great deal of time and effort expanding our environmental efforts, we have used our core technologies to develop a Diamond Wire that uses a fixed abrasive method. Not only do we produce and distribute this Diamond Wire, but we also maintain an electronic material slice vicinity department to utilize it for solar batteries and LED products.

 In order to maintain our status as an environmentally friendly business, we must thoroughly comply with regulations, and contribute positively to the global environment through simultaneous creation and conservation of energy.

Eco-Friendly Products

Diamond Wire

By changing from a slurry containing abrasive powder to a soluble coolant liquid, environmental strain is reduced, and the amount of wire, slurry, etc. to be used can be decreased a great deal.

Micro Reactor
Micro Reactor System
By changing from the conventional batch method to a continuous flow method via micro reactor, investment in large-scale facilities is no longer necessary, and energy consumption can be reduced a great deal.

Nozzle Cleaner

By utilizing our tried and tested nozzle manufacturing techniques to refine particles in water and collide with the target object at high speeds, we have developed the industry's first eco-friendly, solvent-free washing technique.

Metal Mask Cleaner

By taking the eco-friendly "nozzle cleaner" that uses a water/air binary washing technique a step further, we have successfully developed a technique for wide-area cleaning. Water used for washing (alkali electrolysis water) can be reused as a base water, eliminating discharge. Compared to the conventional use of organic solvents, this technique reduces environmental strain by a much wider margin.

ISO14001 Acquisition

While effectively and efficiently contributing to environmental conservation, we are also active in pursuing ways to eliminate environmental risks.

2001 The international standard for industry environmental management systems "ISO14001" was acquired
Desember 2010 D-Next (Izumi Factory) was also included for company-wide "ISO14001" approval.
